Your Success is Our Goal

--> Your Success is Our Goal: March 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Are you making these three mistakes on social media?

You may be actively carrying out social media marketing activities for your business, but you could be doing it wrong. Some companies have mastered the art of social media marketing while some are absolutely getting it all wrong. Our blog-post will help you avoid the three most common mistakes on social media which you could be making...

Mistake 1: Forgetting About Your Account after Posting
If you are an active social media marketer, you would be aware that now-a-days, we are allowed to schedule posts on social media platforms. This means, you are probably scheduling posts for the week and forgetting about following up with your progress there. Your account needs nurturing, attention and care everyday so make sure you log into your account and answer the doubts or reply to the comments that your valuable followers write for you. Keep a track on your progress on all the accounts you have created. If you disappear, your fans will not take time to forget about you and your brand.

Mistake 2: Not interacting To Your Fans and Followers
Social media is where brands and consumers can be on a common platform, with equal voices and can discuss their views, feedback, etc.  Without interacting with your fans, social media marketing makes no sense. Be available for your fans. There will be good comments and negative ones. You have to make sure, you keep your customers satisfied in every way. Not responding is going to reduce your fan base and create anger among the unsatisfied ones. Be there for all and respond to comments politely. That’s your key to several happy and life-long customers on social media.

 Mistake 3: Not Having a Definite Strategy:
Almost everything you do needs a fixed plan. Social media marketing too, needs a systematic strategy to be successful. Plan your content. Decide how and when to post it on social media. Also decide how many times you want to post stuff online. You have to evaluate the content, engagements and your progress very regularly as well. All this cannot happen effectively without a strategy. Your fan involvement too is a part of this strategy. Outlining your strategy will make your social media marketing drive much more efficient and will make it easy for you to constantly improve more everyday.

These three basic mistakes if avoided can make your brand look wonderful on social media.

Keep reading our blogs and do follow us on, FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Pinterest!


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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Delphi's Placement Scenario

Delphi Computech has proved to be one of the most preferred destinations for aspiring SAP professionals from across India. Most of you must be aware that Delphi is SAP’s award winning business and education partner and has successfully been in the business since many years.

Along with superior quality training and infrastructure, the organisation provides 100% placement assistance after SAP certification to each and every candidate. Due to the utmost dedication of the placement division here and also Delphi’s network and contacts with top companies, the company has carried out some excellent placement related activities and mock interviews to ensure full success of students in getting good job opportunities.

One big placement initiative Delphi carried out was a SAP job fair in January 2014 held in Pune. This event was exclusively for SAP certified candidates through Delphi Computech. With top companies such as SQS, Suzlon, iGate, and other such as participants, the job fair was a complete success. These big organisations conducted several rounds of interviews and hired extensively.

Our latest placement records are brilliant as well. We placed a total of 8 SAP SD, MM, FI, and PP candidates in very well-known organisations such as VolksWagen, Automatic Infotech, Cipla, K Cloud, etc. in February. Apart from these, 113 SAP certified candidates from Delphi have been shortlisted for interviews in big companies such as iGate, Cognizant and few more.

Delphi understands that, for the students, getting an excellent job is one of the biggest achievements after certification and promises to continue its excellence in SAP training and placements.

Keep a track on our upcoming blogs and also find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest!


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