Now-a-days, brands have taken on to
social media marketing and changed the methods of interaction with their
audience online. In this blog-post let us see what the top 3 trends are, in social
media marketing.
Trend 1: Focused Marketing
Many organisations have a huge
presence on various social media platforms. This has created a genuine, close
and friendly brand-customer relationship, rather than a narrow
and impersonal
conversation between the two. Businesses are said to continue their social
media drives with more specific plans, goals and targets. Companies will listen
to their customers across the globe with the use of social networks and respond
Trend 2: Marketing which is Information Based
Brands have started gathering a lot of
information from different locations, thus making the best of it for marketing
in a smart way. All this collected information can help the organisation
understand the consumers’ goodwill towards the brand and the sellers can use it
to get their customers to take further steps. Experts have even predicated that
brands will combine all the data through social networking sites and the data
through offline channels, to be able to bring the existing customer data in
their system in order to interact better and sell their products/services to
them through social media.
Appropriate and Regular Content
Brands need to keep pace with the
rapid conversations on various networks. Experts say that it will be vital for
businesses to create a special team of social media experts to handle social
media marketing, campaigns and big events on various digital platforms.
Social media marketing has brought
about a wave of transformation and companies need to get onto different online platforms
aggressively for their brands be in power.